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Welcome to Warmth in the North... my little blogging endeavor. I'm Mary-Catharine (marycatharine on ravelry) and have been knitting most of my life. When I was seven my nana sat me down with some yarn, needles and a pattern for a sweater. I can't remember finishing the sweater but I've knit on and off ever since. I've begun quilting recently as well, although my mother taught me long ago, and having lots of fun playing with fabric.

I live in the tiny village of Taylor in north-eastern British Columbia. I moved here because of my job but one day I'd like to land somewhere closer to home. Although the landscape can be beautiful, winter from September to May can be a little bit much.

Since December '08 all photos have been taken with a Canon Rebel XSi. I have three lenses the kit 18-55mm, a 70-250mm and a 50mm prime. Most of the knitting photos are taken with the 50mm, it takes a mean picture.